HOME > The SANGBO > Business Overview

The SANGBO.BIZ is to become a “national-class marketing and internet solution company equipped with national competitiveness”.

To achieve this vision, the SANGBO.BIZ uses a parallel integration strategy, which creates synergy from marketing and global internet environment.

Having identified the importance of an internet network in operation of marketing business, the SANGBO.BIZ strengthened its marketing presence since the early 2000s. The SANGBO.BIZ constantly strives to maximize the synergy of possessing overseas business and distribution capabilities as well as the retail shops and internet solution.
- Marketing business will make profits gradually.

  • Importing and exporting for famous brand for expanding marketing domination.
  • Sales through broad domestic distributor.

- Internet solution business puts spurs to market expansion.

  • Building and Customizing Internet solution for Marketing.
  • Utilizing global e-business environment.

- Operating retail shops makes it stable to provide famous fashionable brand to domestic customers.

  • Building confidence toward online customers.
  • Merging online and offline customers.

- Medical Devices makes our business stable with continuous consumption and circulation process

  • Supply with better price and quality toward domestic customers.
  • Use our intrastructure on marketing and make new demands.